The concept of "minding the dash", explains that “the dash” between the two dates (birth and death) that will eventually be on our grave marker. That "dash" will represent the entirety of our life and how we made use of the time that we were given.
As many of you know, the China/Malaysia Trade Mission 2010 is a week away! Soo, for the 45 Junior Team Canada delegates (myself included), that dash has generally been filled with much success, ambition and the less travelled road.
Now, as the mission approaches, that dash happens to be filled with several other numbers:
Our group of 45; the number of times we have had success in something; the number of companies, community organizations and people that are supporting our endeavour; the number of sponsorships we have raised as a team; the number of amazing stories we have heard from Terry; the number of Chinese community and business leaders we will meet, and the number of hearts and minds we have and will continue to touch.
Soo, as our countdown begins, T-minus ONE WEEK....there is much more than just time, in which we are counting:
We are counting the items we can fit in ONE piece of luggage; we are counting on good weather; we are counting on our own abilities; we are counting on support from family and friends; and most of all, we are counting on each other as a team - Junior Team Canada China/Malaysia 2010. Soo...no matter what endeavours you take on today, tomorrow, or next year - always "mind the dash" and in the wise words of Terry Clifford: "live your life in seconds."